Our Vision
At Dear Me, we have identified the epidemic of struggles with body image, disordered eating, and eating disorders facing our youth today. Dear Me’s vision is to change the mindset of generations to come by working to counteract the cause of these struggles. By starting from a young age, we take preventative measures to educate and support children who have experienced or have seen others experience struggles with body image, disordered eating, and eating disorders. We integrate programming into school curricula so we can support and educate students through non-isolating environments they won’t feel singled out. Ultimately, we are for the youth by the youth with an education covering these topics in as many schools as possible across the world. By setting up various chapters of Dear Me using student voices, Dear Me serves as an international community of discourse, help, and support. Ultimately, Dear Me is a program that will provide education and support that will change the culture of eating disorders and body image today.

How We Work
Dear Me focuses on making sure students have a voice in their education. “Student Heads” are responsible for connecting the Dear Me program with their school in whatever way they see fit, whether that be via email or in-person discussion with their preferred faculty member. After Dear Me is in contact with the school, we work to individualize eating disorder education depending on the school's wants and needs. School meetings are run by both the directors of Dear Me and the director of education at The National Alliance for Eating Disorders. Student heads are invited to preliminary contact meetings with their school and continue to aid the Dear Me program by fundraising, volunteering at events, and promoting Dear Me.